
1. Student Attendance Policy:-

Regular attendance by the children is extremely important. Parents are welcome to visit their child in the school any time with prior appointment so as not to obstruct activities other than the parent interaction sessions which will be organized in the school as a routine activity.


Parents will: Notify the class teacher/office staff latest by 8:00 am of that day in case the child is not attending school on any day.

2. Arrival:-


Upon dispersal, the teachers will hand over the children to the parents/guardian/bus teacher.

The parents can enquire about the routine and behavior with the responsible staff member.


It is mandatory to inform parents or guardians when a child has missed three consecutive days of activity in the school. Establish with parents or guardians the reason for the absence.

Release or hand over of children to authorized / non-custody parents


A child will be released only to the parent or his/her legal guardian unless otherwise indicated on the registration form. In case of any authorized persons, the details to be included with sufficient identity proof and contact details who can pick up or drop the child in the absence of parents/guardian or in any emergency during the time of admission. The photo id details of parents also to be collected along with the application form and the details are maintained in the Student Profile.


1.The staff must be notified in writing of any alternate arrangements.
2.Children will not be released to anyone whose photo id and authorisation is not submitted during the admission time.

Late pick-up policy

It is the parent’s responsibility to pick up the child on time. Although on ad-hoc situations we are ready to keep the child for 15 minutes extra time within which the child shall be picked up by the parent. In case of emergencies, please notify staff immediately. Children must be picked up within 15 minutes of the posted closing time.

1.Staff will make all attempts to call contact numbers including emergency contact numbers.
2.Staff will not take a child home or drop the child anywhere else even with the request of the parents.
3.The phone numbers of the parents or the emergency contact numbers provided should be functional and immediate response is solicited.

3. Toilet policy:-

It is the policy of our service and in the interest of the children's health and safety, that a high standard of hygiene is promoted at all times.

Toilet facilities
1. There is a minimum of one toilet and one wash hand basin available for every class.
2. To create an awareness and understanding of good hygiene practice, staff members do a project (demo) with the children of Pre-Primary and Primary about the importance of self-care for example: flushing the toilet, washing hands etc.
3. Anti-bacterial soap and disposable paper towels are used for washing and drying hands.
4. A cleaning schedule is in place to ensure that children's toilets are kept in a clean and hygienic condition at all times.
5. The staff should treat accidents sensitively.
6. Praise and recognition is used when children are being toilet-trained to encourage self-esteem and a sense of achievement.
7. Potties are disinfected after each use. If required, another staff member is always available to provide assistance. The child's privacy is always respected.

4. Healthy Diet:-

a. Information and guidance for a balanced diet provided with fresh, nutritious food will be given to parents.
b. Sweets, crisps, chewing gum and nuts are discouraged.
c. Unhealthy food like aerated drinks, excessive sugar contained foods, refined wheat products etc. should not be allowed.
d. Special dietary needs of children in the school are met in coordination with the parents.
e. An adult supervision is always ensured and they sit with the children at meal times to encourage good eating habits, stimulate conversation and enhance the quality of the interaction.
f. Children are encouraged to follow hygienic practices like washing hands before and after eating food, avoiding food wastage, chewing the food properly, take food in servings of required quantity etc.
g. Children are encouraged to follow proper etiquettes while eating food.

5. Equipment:-

The school shall provide sufficient, suitable play resources for all children for stimulating activities and play during the regular working hours.

1. Furniture and sports equipment are provided which are appropriate for their purpose and help to create an accessible and stimulating environment. They are of suitable design and condition, well maintained and conform to safety standards.
2. Equal opportunities for all children in all areas of play, learning and development.
3. Furniture, toys and equipment on the premises are in good repair and conform to safety standards as per the relevant norms prescribed
4. There are sufficient numbers of child sized chairs and tables to allow flexible arrangements for groups of children to play and eat together.

6. Safety Policies in the School:-

1. The Principal takes positive steps to promote safety within the school and on outings and ensures proper precautions are taken to prevent accidents.
2. The Principal takes reasonable steps to ensure that hazards to children on the premises, both inside and outside, are minimised and is aware of, and complies with, health and safety regulations.
3. Staff are trained to understand health and safety requirements for the environment in which they work.
4. The Principal conducts a risk assessment of the premises and this is reviewed if there is a significant change or if the Principal suspects that it is no longer valid. An action plan with timescales identifies action to be taken to minimise identified risks.
5. Gas/electricity: Gas, electrical and other appliances and fittings conform to safety requirements and do not pose a hazard to children.
6. The premises and outdoor play grounds are secure, and children are not able to leave them unsupervised. The Principal has an effective system for managing access to the premises, ensures that it is used, and keeps a record of visitors.
7. Children are supervised at all times. In the event of a child being lost or not collected there is a clearly defined procedure to be followed.
8. The Principal ensures that children can play safely outside through a combination of supervision and protection from hazards.
9. Ponds, drains, pools or any natural water are made safe or inaccessible to children.

7. General Safety Policies:-

10. Provide first aid training for most of the staff from a general health practitioner or from the local health department.
11. A first aid box is kept accessible at all times with appropriate content for use with children.
12. The first aid box items are crosschecked periodically and the expiry date of each item in the box is checked regularly.
13. A written record of accidents or injuries and the first aid treatment is kept accessible to all staff.
14. Ensuring standard procedures and timely intimation to parents or guardians regarding any injury or accidents occurring to any child in the school during the school hours.
15. Ensuring that the environment is safe and child friendly including the overall floor space and outdoor spaces by providing anti-skid flooring, free of corners, hidden spaces,suffocating slots, loosened and hanging cables, shields for plug spots & electrocuting possibilities and sharp edges etc.
16. Maintain cleanliness of the premises as well as all equipment in the school which is closely monitored with cleaning log checklist.
17. Ensuring the safety of children and staff in case of fire break out or any other emergency by setting up appropriate alarm measures and easy evacuation from the premises.
18. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the school
19. Ensuring that all the employees are appointed after a thorough background checking and scrutiny and their valid and relevant identification records and related documents are verified
20. Only releasing children into the care of individuals who have been notified before-hand to the school by the parent and supported by a valid photo identification.
21. Ensuring that children do not leave or move around in the premises unsupervised or unattended by the staff.
22. Preventing unauthorised persons entering the premises, and ensuring that no one can enter the premises without knowledge and prior appointment from the designated authority.
23. A set procedure for checking and recording the identity of any visitors to the school along with the purpose and timing of the visit.
24. A CCTV monitoring and recording of the premises including the visitor’s lounge.
25. Provide safe spaces and explain safety to children and parents.
26. Teach children the skills they need to use equipment safely, e.g. cutting with scissors or using tools.
27. Teach and train the children in handling tools, equipment and materials, and have sensible rules for everybody to follow.
28. Children know the importance for good health of physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. They manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs successfully, including dressing and going to the toilet independently.

8. Child Protection Reporting Procedure Format:-

Procedure: A school routine or timetable is set for each day and it must be strictly adhered to as part of ensuring quality services to the children. Activities planned within the school will be monitored and adjusted accordingly, in consultation with staff and other involved professionals to promote on-going development of the child.

Reportable Incidents Policy: All school staff will have to report any accidents, abuse or neglect that might have occurred, or any other reportable incidents as enlisted below.

Reportable incidents List

• Aggressive or unusual behaviour of staff or student
• Disease symptoms or occurrence after reporting to School
• Emergency restraint
• Emotional abuse
• Fall while the student is in the school while playing or any other time
• Food poisoning
• Medication error
• Neglect of the student at any circumstances like the tendency to leave them on their own
• Any other injury
• Physical abuse
• Sexual abuse
• Unexpected illness / Allergies

Procedure: The designated staff will notify the child’s parent or emergency contact and in case necessary the medical support is provided with consent from the guardian/ parent if or when a student is or may have been involved in a reportable incident.

Reporting the incidents
➢ Complete the incident report form.
➢ Inform the concerned authorities and the parents of the student.
➢ Take necessary preventive measures.
➢ Retain a copy of the incident report for official records with the final remarks and details of the follow up with date and signature.

9. Accident Prevention:-

Accident and Safety Policy: This policy of care and service is meant to promote the health, wellbeing and personal safety of all children and adults involved in the service, through developing and regularly reviewing accident prevention procedures and fire safety procedures.

• A Safety Statement has been prepared and is reviewed on a regular basis.
• All new staff and volunteers must be familiar with the Safety Statement.
• There are at least two adults (or proportionate to the number of child) on the premises at all times and the children are supervised by adults at all times.
• Care is taken to ensure that no student can leave the premises undetected.
• When the main entrance is locked the key must remain in the position which is known and accessible to all adults.
• Staff must know which children are present at any given point of time.
• Notification SMS are sent to two contact phone numbers (Mother, Father/guardian, care giver) which are already provided to the Principal at the time of admission intimating the entry and exit of the child from the school.

Accident Prevention Procedures

• The First Aid Box should always be fully equipped, easily identifiable and in a location which is known to all adults.
• At least one member of staff who holds a valid First Aid Certificate should be available on the premises at all times.
• Records are accessible to all relevant staff in case of an emergency.
• Minor accidents will be treated in the premises and parents/guardian will be advised of the injury and the action taken, when the student is collected.
• All accidents even minor ones are documented in the record kept for it.
• The school should have an arrangement with the local hospital in case of an accident or sudden illness.
• In the case of serious accident, the senior staff member will inform the doctor and the student’s parent/guardian. If the student must be taken to hospital before the parent/guardian arrives, an adult known to the student must accompany him/her to hospital and stay until the parent/guardian arrives. All accidents must be reported to the authorities and follow the statutory procedures as per the law in force.

10.Fire Safety:-

1. The school should have all the relevant fire safety equipment recommended by the competent authority including fire extinguishers and smoke alarms.
2. The fire safety equipment is checked periodically.
3. Fire drill instructions are posted in each room with the assembly point clearly marked. A fire drill is carried out with the staff and students on a periodical basis. A record is kept of all fire drills carried out.
4. There are clearly defined procedures for emergency evacuation of the building, which include any special measures to be taken where students are located above or below ground level, known to all staff and fire drills are carried out periodically.
5. The Principal person complies with any recommendations made by the Fire Safety Officer.
6. Records are kept to his satisfaction in a fire log book for inspection and certificates obtained.
7. Fire doors are not obstructed and fire exits are clearly identifiable and easily opened from the inside.
8. Fire extinguishers, alarms and smoke detectors which conform to safety standards are provided as necessary, checked to the frequency specified by the manufacturer and kept in working order.
9. 50% of the total staff will be trained and well equipped for fire and safety procedures.

11. Outings and transport:-

1. The Principal ensures that there are operational procedures for the safe conduct of any outings provided.
2. Records are kept about vehicles in which children are transported, including insurance details and a list of named drivers. Drivers using their own transport have adequate insurance cover.
3. The staff member shall carry a letter of authorisation while taking children outside the school premises for field trips, excursions etc.
4. Where public playgrounds are used during outings or field trips, the concerned staff ensures that the children do not use faulty equipment.

12. Hygiene:-

The school and staff promote the good health of children and takes positive steps to prevent the spread of infection and appropriate measures when they are ill. The school and staff are committed towards promoting a healthy environment and a high standard of personal hygiene for adults and children.

Hygiene Procedures:-

1. All staff and volunteers are informed of the hygiene procedures as part of their induction program.
2. Hand washing must be carried out after using the toilet, after outdoor play, before and after handling food.
3. Cuts and sores must be covered with suitable dressings.
4. Disposable gloves must always be used when cleaning up spills of body fluids.
5. Disposable towels must always be used when cleaning up spills of body fluids.
6. A supply of clean clothing is readily available for accidents. The area of the accident is treated with suitable disinfectant.

Cleaning Procedures

7. All toilets, surrounding walls and sinks are cleaned and disinfected every day and between sessions when there is more than one session.
8. Floors, tables and equipment, where necessary, are cleaned and disinfected weekly.

Head lice policy

Unfortunately, it's always possible to catch head lice, no matter how careful we are. Children can pick up head lice just by coming into close contact with someone who is infected. It is important to know how to recognise the problem early and to know how to cope with it.


Staff will inform other parents verbally or in writing in the event of an outbreak of Head Lice. Staff should be tactful and maintain confidentiality. (Leaflets on Head Lice from the concerned sections are to be handed out to all parents). Staff should inform parents to check their child's hair carefully and regularly, and to use the treatment recommended by the public health nurse, chemist, doctor or local health clinic. The importance of not sharing other people's combs, hats etc. is conveyed to parents and children.

13. Health Policy:-

The policy of the school should promote a healthy lifestyle through prevention of illness and establishing healthy eating patterns. Healthy, safe and physically active ways of living are valued in the school. The physical, mental and social security of the entire community must be ensured in an educational setting.
The policies of the school to promote the physical, mental and social health are;

1. Provide opportunities for the students and teachers to be physically active indoors and outdoors.
2. Students are guided to avoid sitting for long periods.
3. Promoting the well-being of students by providing them with an opportunity for calming down and resting whenever there is a need
4. Carefully planned and structured routines and an operational culture that provides every child the right to be in an environment that is free of urgency and that promotes concentration.
5. Clear and systematic, but also flexible, daily structure to promote the well-being of children and staff.
6. Students are entitled to being consoled whenever needed.
7. Bullying, violence or harassment is not tolerated in the school. Bullying is recognised, intervened in, and consciously and systematically prevented.
8. Students are given practise in recognising and resolving conflicts in a constructive manner. Any incident of harassment, bullying or violence is discussed with the children’s guardians and solutions are sought together.

Medicine: The school has a clear policy, understood by all staff and discussed with parents, regarding the administration of medication.

If medicine is to be given it includes the following:

● Medicines are stored in their original containers, clearly labelled and inaccessible to children.
● Medicines are not usually administered unless they have been prescribed for that child by a doctor.
● The parent gives prior written permission to administer any medication.
● Written records are kept of all medicines administered to children, and parents sign
the record book to acknowledge the entry.
● If the administration of prescription medicines requires technical/medical knowledge then individual training is provided for staff from a qualified health professional. Training is specific to the individual child concerned.

First aid

• There is a first aid box, the contents of which will be determined in the first aid training course, and are checked frequently and replaced as necessary.
• The first aid box is kept in an accessible place out of the reach of children.
• There is at least one member of staff with a current first aid training certificate on the premises or on outings at any one time.
• The first aid qualification includes training in first aid for infants and young children which is consistent with any guidance issued by the competent authorities.

Written parental permission is requested, at the time of the placement, to the seeking of any necessary emergency medical advice or treatment in the future.

A record is maintained, signed by the parent, of any accidents.

14. Illness Policy:-

There is a policy about the exclusion of children who are ill or infectious which is discussed with parents. This includes a procedure for contacting parents or another adult designated by the parent if a child becomes ill whilst in the school.
Illness Policy for Children

1. Children or adults who are sick or who may be a source of infection may refrain from attending the service.
2. Parents are advised that a child who has been sick during the night shall not attend the service the next day.

Parents are advised to keep their child at home, or make alternate arrangements for the following conditions:

➢ Fever over 38.3º C (101ºF)
➢ Infected eyes or skin.
➢ Any type of contagious or communicable disease such as flu, measles, mumps, rubella, or chicken pox etc.
➢ Rashes or boils in the body
➢ Foot and Mouth disease (HFMD)
➢ Unexplained diarrhoea or loose stool combined with nausea, vomiting or abdominal cramps.
➢ An acute cold with fever, runny nose and eyes, a “croupy” cough or congested to the point that he/she has heavy breathing.

3. A student with a communicable illness shall not attend school.

4. All parents are informed if a student attending school has a communicable illness suspected under any circumstances.
5. If a student becomes sick at school, the parent or if parent is unable to be reached the person authorized to pick up in the case of an emergency will be called and asked to pick up the child. The staff will isolate the child from the other children and make him/her as comfortable as possible, but will not administer medication. Please keep the student at home until he/she is well enough to attend. Any medicine required to treat above symptoms will mean the child is too ill to attend the regular learning.

Illness Policy for Staff

• Staff with a communicable illness should not attend school
• All parents are informed if a member of staff has a communicable illness.
• Arrangements are in place to provide relief cover while staff are on sick leave


15.Allergy Policy:-

Parents/guardians need to inform the school staff in writing if their child has any allergies.
1. Required forms will be provided by staff as soon as an allergy is reported.
2. Allergies will be posted in the class for all staff to see.
4. Extra training will be provided for the staff if deemed necessary.
5. Parents will be informed immediately of any allergy attack and the steps taken.


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